Our History 

  • The Marine Corps – Law Enforcement Foundation (MC-LEF) is created. Former Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Office, FBI, James K. Kallstrom is named Chairman of the Board of MC-LEF. Pete Haas becomes the first President of the Foundation.

  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing – results in MC-LEF’s first distribution of 32 scholarships awarded totaling $260,300.00.

  • After just one year of fundraising, MC-LEF raises more than $400,000 and distributes 47 scholarships.

  • USS Cole Bombing

    USS Cole Bombing- MC-LEF awarded in excess of $100,000.00 in scholarship support for the eligible children left behind from the attack.

  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks & Invasion of Afghanistan

    After the terrorist attacks of September 11, fundraising more than doubled, totaling $1.6 million, a million dollar increase over the previous year.

  • Invasion of Iraq

    U.S. begins invasion of Iraq; MC-LEF raises and distributes over $11 million worth of scholarships to 402 recipients.

  • MC-LEF exceeds over $25 million in scholarships awarded throughout our history.

  • MC-LEF exceeds over $50 million in scholarships throughout our history.

  • Ed Boran is selected and becomes the second President of MC-LEF to replace retiring leader Pete Haas. Ed has been involved with MC-LEF since the FBI-USMC inception and has dedicated years of service to our cause and success.

  • MC-LEF exceeds over $67 million in scholarships and humanitarian aid.

  • MC-LEF exceeds over $70 million in scholarships and humanitarian aid.

  • MC-LEF exceeds over $75 million in scholarships throughout our history.

  • MC-LEF Increases Educational Awards to $35,000.00

  • MC-LEF Increases Educational Awards to $40,000.00